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5 Tips For Supporting Your Artists and Self-Employed Friends

Text and Photos Elizabet Castillo • 28 mai 2020

5 Tips For Supporting Your Artists and Self-Employed Friends

Contrary to what many people may think, being an independent artist is anything but a hobby, it is a job. It takes time, commitment, passion, hours of work without sleep, unpaid overtime, physical and mental exhaustion, but above all, it takes a lot of courage.

Your artist and freelance friends need you!

You can support them in two ways: One is financial and the other is non-financial.

Here are 5 tips to best support your artist friends:

1. Take an interest in their work and encourage them to continue.

Emerging artists and young creators who are just starting out, do not have a large audience at first and always need a little help. At the beginning of their project, not all is rosy, disappointment, lack of profits, the desire to throw everything out of the window and lack of inspiration often appear. There are days when we think it's not going to work and we are wasting our time. A simple word of encouragement helps us to be more optimistic, gives us hope and allows us to keep moving forward.

2. Ask him/ her if he/she needs help to improve his/her web site, such as proofreading texts or creating an online advertising campaign.

Today, with globalization, the internet and social networks, it is very easy to reach the four corners of the world with a good communication strategy. This is an important element to make yourself known. Each country has its own strategies and forms of communication to reach a well-defined audience. For nomadic artists who do not live in their country of origin, their mother tongue and their different culture are obstacles that can disadvantage them in their communication strategy. Offering an outside view on the content of their text, before any publication, is an incredible help.
3.    Recommend him/her and share his/her work on the networks and with your family and friends.

Follow him/her on the networks, keep up to date with him/her news and subscribing to him/her Newsletters or podcasts. Talk about him/her and his/her work with colleagues, friends and family who may need his/her services and give them his/her business card if you have one. Social networks are a great way to get to know each other, but it only works if everyone shares. When an artist friend or freelancer sends you the campaigns or promotions for their projects directly and privately, it means that they really need your support to promote their work. He/she is not asking you for money or mass advertising... he/she is just proud to share with you his/her work for which he/she has invested hours, days, weeks or even months of unpaid work for only 2 reasons. The first is to support him/her by sharing his/her project with you and the second is to get your opinion.
After all this moral support and on social networks, it is up to you alone to decide if you want to support him/her financially.

Which brings me to the following question: How do you help artists financially?

4.    Buy his/her work.

We would all like to live on acknowledgement, love and fresh water. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different because artists, have to eat and pay their bills too. By buying the work of an artist friend, you not only support him/her financially, but you also show him/her how much you appreciate his work.

5.    Don't ask him/her to work for free.

At some point, you may need the services of a friend who is an artist or selfemployed such as a photographer, graphic designer or artisan. Explain what you need and the budget you have available. Together, find a solution that suits both.

If you know him/her personally, he/she will certainly give you a friendship price as well as other advantages such as payment facilities, a more flexible service schedule or a free working hour.

Moreover, if you are also a freelancer, a beautiful collaboration could be born from an exchange of services ...

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